Asset Management

Asset Management

Key Services

Hotel Asset Management

We provide independent hotel asset management / owner representation services exclusively for the owner of the hotel real estate with the objective to optimize the operations, enhance the owner’s cash flow from the operating business and ultimately maximize a hotel’s value.

With a strict focus on industry standard revenue disciplines offset against diligent cost controls, we provide an effective counter- balance within the operational context, to ensure that the owner’s interest are continually monitored and hotel operators are challenged where

Hotel Operator Selection and Contract Negotiations

Selecting the right hotel operator and negotiating the best possible terms in a management agreement is one of the most important  decisions a hotel owner has to make to ensure the optimal positioning, performance and value of the Advising the owner of new-build and existing hotels in the optimal branding of their hotels under the most favourable terms.

Hotel Advisory Services

  • In addition to the above we provide support to the hotel owners and investors in the form of the hotel development advice, structuring the hotel investment strategies (portfolio or single asset), acquisition and disbursement advise, due diligence assistance and other miscellaneous hotel real estate related services

The Asset Management approach Driving Performance

Speaking The "Operator Language”, We Facilitate And Support Relationship To Ensure The Business And The Asset Are Optimally Managed
We Seek To Proactively Impact The Cash Flow And Performance Of Operating Hotels By:

The Following Key Area Underpin The Structured And Organised Approach To Asset Management As Undertaken By Us

The Report

The report is a proprietary detailed analytic monthly reporting format implemented at all hotels asset managed by us. This includes a combination of:

  1. Financial P&L analytics by department
  2. Reservation, Sales, Market Share, Source of
  3. P&L and Business Mix Forecasts
  4. Turnover & HR Analysis
  5. Aged Debtors Analysis
  6. Cash flow and Balance Sheet Analysis
The Annual Budget Process
  1. Annual Operating budgets are reviewed through quantitative analysis of all departments –with a view of historic and forward trends in the market
  2. Annual Sales and Marketing plans are reviewed for appropriateness in terms of activities, timing and allocated expenditures
  3. Capital Expenditures Plans and Owner Capital Projects are reviewed and recommendations made with respect to timings, costs and return on investment analysis where necessary

Monthly Review & Meetings

In addition to the above we provide support to the hotel owners and investors in the form of the hotel development advice, structuring the hotel investment strategies (portfolio or single asset), acquisition and disbursement advise, due diligence assistance and other miscellaneous hotel real estate related services

  1. Challenge hotel management where
  2. Provide formal forum for strategic
  3. To discuss prevalent market trends and their impact on all aspects of the hotel business

Daily and Ongoing Activities

  1. Receipts and analysis of daily revenue
  2. Regular communication with key hotel management and operator’s corporate Maintaining this dialogue is key to understanding the ongoing issues prevalent at the hotel
  3. Ongoing operational analysis to evaluate strategic direction and performance
  4. Review, interviews and recommendation of candidates for hotel’s management team where required
  5. Regular communication with the owner to co-ordinate the appropriate approach and strategies for hotel asset

Customer Stories

Why Us?

We with our ideas and experience help you (owner) to generate/add revenue to your existing hospitality business. We are thorough professionals with lots of networking and contacts in Hotel construction, hotel management industry, travel industry and that gives us an edge in achieving your targets in the designated time frame.

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